Pré-inscrição para matrícula na Educação de Jovens e Adultos


Estão abertas as pré-inscrições para matrícula na Educação de Jovens e Adultos (EJA) para o primeiro semestre de 2022.

A pré-inscrição poderá ser solicitada por meio do endereço eletrônico, ou diretamente no CIEJAP Milton Ballerini, de 03 a 30 de Janeiro, das 8h às 17h, respeitadas as orientações de distanciamento social e o uso obrigatório de máscara.

O interessado que desejar ingressar na EJA deverá apresentar/enviar RG, comprovante de residência, cópia da certidão de nascimento ou casamento, declaração escolar ou histórico escolar. Quando menor de idade, a pré-inscrição deverá ser realizada por seu responsável.

Podem fazer a inscrição na EJA candidatos com idade a partir de 15 anos, que não concluíram o Ensino Fundamental.
As aulas acontecem no CIEJAP Milton Ballerini, situado na Av. São José, nº 150, Centro.

As aulas estão previstas a serem iniciadas no dia 07 de Fevereiro.

Inscreva-se Já!

Telefone para tirar dúvidas: (12) 3153-1548

#lorenanaopara #governodeoportunidades #eja





  1. A automotive rental business, a Marathon fuel station, and some other buildings had been additionally destroyed, whereas a Sonic Drive-In, Royal Motor Automobiles, two auto components shops, a Shell gasoline station, and a Mexican restaurant have been badly damaged.

  2. Simply prior to destroying Gallifrey, the Physician (with Compassion’s help) downloaded the contents of the Gallifreyan Matrix – the huge computer community containing the psychological traces of each Time Lord dwelling and dead – into his brain, with his own recollections suppressed to make room for the information.

  3. Lord Brampton, a current convert to Roman Catholicism, selected Clayton and Bell to fill his commission for an altarpiece for the Chapel of Saints Augustine and Gregory, representing the conversion of England to Christianity.

  4. No Counter Party Risk:- A lot like the trading exchanges within the inventory market, Commodity Futures Market has the Clearing Houses, which assure that the phrases of the settlement are fulfilled, thereby lowering the counter party risk.

  5. When people really feel secure and safe of their surroundings, they’re more possible to have interaction in social actions and positively contribute to their communities, leading to improved mental properly-being.

  6. A city would possibly see a surplus of money post-closing ceremonies, however when you embody all these (at every level) who assist fund the Olympics in any given video games, he says no metropolis has profited in the long term from its hosting role in a purely backside-line sense.

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